Our refund and returns policy last 7 days. If 7 days have passed since your purchase, we can’t offer you a full refund or exchange.

Since these are all digital products, once the refund has been processed, all files you have downloaded need to be deleted. All your rights will be revoked and legal actions will be taken if you continue using the products you received and are refunded for.

To complete your refund, we require a receipt or proof of purchase along with your refund request.

There are certain situations where only partial refunds are granted:

  • If you purchased an item you previously purchased. The Payment processor fees will not be returned but the rest will.
  • if it is beyond the 7-day refund period.
  • certain sale items will be clearly marked as no-refund on the sales page.

Use the Contact Us link in the top menu for questions related to refunds and returns.