Members Only Please
We’re sorry, but this content is for members only.
It is possible you just hit the wrong button is all.
Head back to the member’s dashboard HERE and double-check the product you purchased then click on that product’s access button.
By the way, if you have access to the Members Dashboard then you are a member of at least one of the products on that page because it is a restricted page for members only as well.
If you just made your purchase, you should have received a few emails from the automated system by now. One of those is your Product Purchase invoice with the product name and amount you paid.
That is the product you have access to on the Members Dashboard.
If nothing else you can always use the contact us form and include your purchase information and let me know the problem. I usually reply within a few hours if not sooner.
Thank you for your business & patience as we work through the problem.
Steve Dougherty